Safeguarding and Prevent Training
How to complete your safeguarding and prevent training
Safeguarding and The Prevent Duty Training
Safeguarding, The Prevent Duty and Cyber Security Training are an important part of Child Protection and are also part of OFSTED Best Practice.
Once you have registered with Mana Education, our Compliance team will email you with your log in details and how to get started on these three courses.
The Prevent Duty Training via The Channel Process
The Channel process aims to provide support to individuals at risk of being drawn into violent extremism. It draws on existing collaboration between local authorities, the police, statutory partners (such as the education sector, social services, children’s and youth services and offender management services) and the local community and has three objectives: to identify individuals at risk of being drawn into violent extremism; to assess the nature and extent of that risk; to develop the most appropriate support for the individuals concerned. The Prevent awareness training to equip staff to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas.
Channel offer a free, compulsory course for anyone working within schools. More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/439598/prevent-duty-departmental-advice-v6.pdf
Please allow around 30 mins for this training.
Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding children is an important part of school life and with the Ofsted requirements for safeguarding training all schools will need to be able to provide evidence of this training.
Mana Education is able to offer you access to a free, online Safeguarding Basic Awareness Course.
This training package is aimed at individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with children and young people, families or adults who may be parents and/or carers, to give a basic awareness of Safeguarding issues.
Depending on your role, this may be the only level of training you need, although some people will need further training. It is recommended that you repeat this course every year. The content will be updated as necessary to take into account of local and national policy changes.
Please allow up to an hour for this course.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security training is now compulsory to work in schools.
The NCSC has produced free cyber security training to raise awareness and help school staff manage some of the key cyber threats facing schools. Please click on the link below for more information.